I am pleased to announce two new releases.

The limited edition 54mm (1:28 scale) Valkir Assault Trooper display model.
If you are a painter or a collector, this limited edition display model is for you.
Standing nearly 3" tall on the base, it will provide a wonderful canvas for you to showcase your skills.
This model is 1:28 (56mm) Scale
This kit includes a single Valkir Assault Trooper; a round 60mm base and two weapon choices. You can equip the trooper with an assault pistol or grenade launcher.
 MSRP $25.00


and the
15mm (1:100) scale Leviathan Capacitor Cooler.
This kit is NOT hot swap, you must choose to use this accessory at the time that you build the main kit.

15mm (1/100) scale Leviathan accessory, the Capacitor Cooler replaces the oil stacks on the back of the Leviathan Mortis and Crusader, allowing the machines a steadier flow of power but sacrificing the ability to overcharge the reactor.
MSRP $9.00
We also had a major restock on the 15mm scale Leviathan weapon arms....
Now on to the sale- Now until May 31st, select kits are up to 50% off!
I know... cray-cray right!?
When we took over distribution in October we took over the existing inventory for WGF, we were low on stock on some items and overstock on others. I have decided to equalize my stock levels and turn some of that into liquidity. Best way to do that is to move the overstock and pass a great deal to my customers.
I hope you enjoy the new releases and have a wonderful holiday!

Storium Theory: A Shadow In The Light

I've written a bit about this before, but today I'd like to discuss one of the most fun things that I've found to do on Storium - ending a challenge with a Strong ending by playing a Weakness card.

Sometimes, you find yourself with a really fascinating opportunity on Storium. You're writing the final move on a challenge, and it is definitely going Strong - there's only one card slot left, for instance, and at least 2 more Strong cards have been played than Weakness cards, so even if you play a Weakness card, it's still going to be 1 up on Strong.

These are amazingly fun writing opportunities, and I encourage you to make the most of them.

Play a Weakness card...and make it just as Weak as you normally would! Your character screws up, or stumbles, or otherwise expresses his Weakness. It's just that in the end, the challenge succeeds despite him.

Don't have his Weakness lead him to victory - instead, have victory happen despite his weakness.

The other characters' efforts succeed. They win the day. He almost screws things up for everybody...but they'd done well enough before that point that it didn't end up mattering.

This is one of your best possible opportunities to make someone else...or everybody else...awesome.

You can take the time to build up how well someone else did. You can show how the situation is set up perfectly to go to the Strong outcome. Then, you take it one step farther - you show how you make a mistake, how you screw things up...but because things were set up so well to begin with, or because someone else is doing what they're doing and doing it so well, things go right anyway.

It isn't luck. It isn't happenstance. It's the efforts of the other characters involved, acting along the lines they've acted in prior to your move, using the Strengths they've put down before. You nearly mess everything up...but they either save the day, or have already put things in such a good state that your screw-up is a drop in the bucket.

Some of my favorite moves on Storium have been the points where I've had the opportunity to write this way: Where I could show just how good the other characters have been in a challenge by having my character seriously screw up...but letting the group win the day anyway. The other players feel great because you gave them recognition and made them look like a million bucks...and you? You get a really, really powerful character moment out of it.

You can hit your character hard from a moment like this - a moment where everyone else looks good, and he looks bad. You can use it to push him to change. You can inspire a difference in attitude. Maybe it's negative - feelings of inferiority or questioning of his skills. But maybe it's positive - a new respect for other characters, or the discovery of a mentor who can help him exceed his current limits.

So when a moment like this comes up in a story, don't just toss out a Weakness card just to get rid of one. Don't look at it that way. Look at it as a great opportunity to really make other people look good, and to really draw comparisons between your character's failings and someone else's strengths. This is an excellent, amazing chance to develop your character and make other people look their best at the same time. Take advantage of it!

Press Release: New Product Announcement - Game: CABO Deluxe Edition From Bézier Games

Press Release: New Product Announcement
Game: CABO Deluxe Edition from Bézier Games

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Louisville, TN. January 21, 2020

Calling all CABO fans! Bezier Games is releasing an amazing new addition of this classic point shedding card game; CABO Deluxe Edition will be hitting stores February 19th. This adorable new two piece box includes two separate decks, each with a different card back design and an awesome enlarged scorepad. Rounds will move much faster while one player shuffles one deck as another player deals the other! 

CABX Two Decks.png

CABO is a fast paced, hand management card game for 2-4 players. The main objective is to shed points, and cards if possible, faster than your opponents! Cards range from 0 to 13, Cabo the unicorn starring on both of the most sought after 0 cards. Each player begins with four facedown cards in front of them, peeking at two of their choice. On each turn, a player will choose from either the draw pile or the discard pile to either exchange it with a card or set of cards from their hand, or discard a drawn card to use one of the Peek, Spy, or Swap ability cards. Sets of matching cards can be traded out in an exchange to decrease a player's card total as well. Once a player believes they have the lowest sum of points, they can call "CABO" rather than making a move. Each other player receives one more turn and then everyone totals their points. If the player who called is correct in having the least, they will receive zero points for the round however, if they are incorrect they will receive their sum plus ten extra points! All other players record their sum on the scorepad, and after four rounds, lowest score wins! 
CABX 3 Cards Splayed_1.png

CABO is a highly addictive game you'll want to play over and over again, this new deluxe edition will double the life of your game! This game is easy to teach and learn, making it a great choice for your family, friends, or weekly gaming group. Pick up CABO Deluxe Edition to start your search for the elusive unicorn!

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